The Easiest Way To Clean & Maintain Your RV Water Heater

The Easiest Way To Clean & Maintain Your RV Water Heater

Blog, RV Maintenance
Over time, minerals in campground water can build up in RV water heater tanks, so we need to clean it as part of routine maintenance. I usually do this once a year, typically before the camping season starts, but it's flexible based on personal preference. To descale my tanked water heater, I follow these steps: First, I cool and empty the tank, turning off power and letting it cool down. Then I set it to bypass mode and relieve any pressure. Depending on the type of water heater, I either remove the drain cover or anode rod to empty the tank completely and use a water heater flush wand to remove loose buildup. Next, I connect a threaded adapter and a garden hose with a shut-off valve, and fill the…
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